Lightyear Member Feature: Emily Nelson of Be A Tree Cremation

Did you know that a single flame cremation produces over 500 pounds of carbon dioxide?

We didn’t either! We met Emily Nelson at a Lightyear LIVE! in Denver, CO and were so inspired by her vision of offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional cremation.

Emily Nelson of Be a Tree Cremation

Emily Nelson of Be a Tree Cremation

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself, where you live, what you like to do, what you are passionate about, and maybe a fun fact! 

I am a Colorado native currently living in Denver. My energy comes from being outdoors, practicing yoga, and spending quality time with those close to me. (People and dogs!) I am passionate about making the most of each day. I’m acutely aware of our finite time on this planet and try to incorporate that into the decisions I make in my life. 


My random fact: I’ve been drinking coffee since I was a toddler (sorry to call you out, dad!) and I think that’s what developed my my preference for rich, bitter foods over sweets! 


2. How did you find Lightyear? 

I found Lightyear through my practice at Big Power Yoga. I was going through a difficult divorce when I started attending Big in Denver. I was hungry for direction and wanted to get a grasp on my future.  Through their programming, I was introduced to many of the Lightyear principles and it helped me tremendously. I had the fortune to attend Lightyear LIVE! in Denver in January this year back when we could all gather in the same room.  

The Lightyear program is helping me make the transition from a corporate job to entrepreneurship and to define the legacy I want to leave behind. 

3. What is your 10-year vision? 

My 10-year vision is to be living closer to nature with my partner and my not-yet-born children. I will have helped thousands of people live on through nature through my company, Be a Tree Cremation. There will be laughter, dogs, guests, fresh produce, and cozy fires to sit by. 


4. What are you doing now to work towards your vision? feel free to talk about your business AND anything you feel like sharing 

There are two main things I’m working on in order to move toward my vision.

1) Creating a safe and loving home with my partner and

2) starting a company called Be a Tree Cremation. 


Stability, ritual, and love are the main ingredients for our household. I want to create the circumstances that will allow us to buy a home and start a family in the coming years.


Be a Tree Cremation is my new venture that is the product of my passion to connect with nature and the time I spent working for a large death care corporation. Be a Tree will use environmentally-friendly water cremation and grow the ashes into trees, honoring loved ones and giving back to the planet. 


There are many environmental issues with traditional death care options available today. For example,

a single flame cremation emits over 500 pounds of CO2 due to the high energy and fuel consumption. Water cremation is a process that uses 90% less energy and emits 10x less C02 emissions. It’s a much gentler alternative on the body and the earth.

What really energized me to create this is the idea of myself or a loved one growing into a mighty blue spruce or a majestic aspen. I love the idea of a living memorial that closes the circle of life and provides a meaningful, and even spiritual, place to visit.  We are partnering with a Denver-based company called The Living Urn, a team that shares our dream. This team has worked with scientists and arborists to make a specially-designed eco urn, where ashes can be transformed into an enduring living memorial. 


Right now, it’s challenging to hold space for my vision and support those around me to hold space for theirs. Coronavirus has created an unprecedented degree of uncertainty and strain on many in the world. It’s a particularly difficult time to be working toward something new, whether that’s starting a business, raising a family, or trying to gain stability. Fortunately, I am still able to continue to make progress to open Be a Tree Cremation and adding more resources to death care is something that is desperately needed during this time.


5. What is your favorite Lightyear Principle you've learned so far and how do you use it? 

My favorite Lightyear principle is that the body is innately intelligent. We all seem to start off with that intelligence when we’re young because that’s all we have. For me, language, societal norms, and education eroded that connection and now I’m making an effort to restore it. Not listening to my body has led me down paths I didn’t want to be on in the past and it’s important to me to keep tapping into my body to guide me. 


6. Anything else you'd like to add? 

I am extremely grateful for the Lightyear community, now more than ever. To know we are not alone and that we have clear guiding principles is immeasurably important! 

If you would like to learn more about Be a Tree Cremation, we encourage you to follow them on Instagram and check out their website!

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